Friday, February 8, 2008

Eddie Adams doesn't have shit on these pictures!

(Oh hey look it's Tim Burton looking all crazy and Helena Bonham Carter who is not far from behind the crazy train, they made a little film called "Sweeney Todd", it's badass)

(Oh snap, it's Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead at a film awards party?!?! That's right because Jonny Greenwood has the best score of the fucken decade, they are badass)

(Oh hey, it's Helena Bonham Carter and Jonny Greenwood hanging out...oh wait...THATS INSANELY BADASS!!!!!)

(Oh hey.....holy fucken's Thom Yorke and Tim Burton fucken kicking it. BEYOND BADASS)

Honestly, some of the most badass pictures of all time.

But i saved the best for last.

(Oh's radiohead...but a bus boy in the background getting into the picture and awkwardly smiling. BADASS)

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